Travis CI Blog


Speedy Builds with Rust

Rust is a multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency. In today’s post we are using...

Running tests on MySQL with Laravel

In this weeks post, let’s learn how to setup and run tests with MySQL and Laravel while using Travis CI, it’s easy, educational, and for me it was a bit fun. Let’s get started...

ORG Shutdown

If you’ve kept up with our announcements, or if you recently accessed the UI, you are likely aware of the planned migration from the domain to...

The Cookbook: with Bash

Many projects on GitHub use Travis to automatically execute certain scripts on every build. Among these many scripts, there is one that’s definitely the most well known, it’s...

Open Source at Travis CI – An Update

We’ve recently had a lot of feedback and questions from the Travis CI community and beyond about the future of open source at Travis CI, following our recent announcement about...

The new pricing model for

Changes to Travis CI pricing are coming! At Travis CI, we design CI/CD products to make code testing and deployment easy. We are a huge supporter of open-source teams, with many...

Extensive Python Testing on Travis CI

Say you have an open source Python project or package you are maintaining. You probably want to test it on the major Python versions that are currently in wide use. You...

The Travis CI Cookbook – Python

Python is one of the most versatile languages in the programming world - it’s not only one of the fist languages new programmers get introduced to either through education or...