SVN CI/CD Software

Apache Subversion (SVN) users need a CI/CD solution. That’s where we come in. Travis CI’s CI/CD tools for Subversion allow users to define items in configuration files and add variables within those files. Learn why Travis CI is revolutionizing the way technology and development companies are building projects with Subversion software.
SVN CI/CD with Travis CI

Benefits of using an SVN CI/CD tool

Subversion is a wonderful open-source platform that allows developers to manage project versions and revise code, but continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools take SVN to the next level. Using CI/CD means that code is unlikely to break, updates can be made more safely, and updates can be pushed directly to the app after testing is complete.
SVN Continuous Integration
Our continuous cloud-based integration merges all functional copies of code that developers have created for a project. This method of automated building saves time as well as money. Travis CI was created with collaboration in mind. Using our SVN continuous integration tools, users have the ability to test the functionality of their code and software before it is deployed.
Deploy Your Product
Once the coding of your product has been perfected, it’s time for deployment, which is easy with Travis CI. Even if you want to make revisions to code after your project is deployed, our continuous deployment model means that any changes made to your code are automatically made to the deployed product.
Automate Tasks
Travis CI can be used to integrate and automate tasks that are built using Apache Subversion. With Subversion auto versioning, users who don’t possess a significant amount of technical knowledge can engage in version control without having to learn the technical aspects of Subversion software and coding. Travis CI auto versioning means that users can revert to any previous version of code that they like.
Merge Project Features
Users of Travis CI can copy, modify, and merge features as well as coding segments among different projects. If you’ve built a feature and love how it works, you don’t have to start from scratch to implement it in another project. Just utilize our merging tools to carry over the feature’s code to your next Apache Subversion project.

Why use Travis CI as SVN CI/CD software

Self-Hosted CI/CD with Travis CI

Convenient Web Application Login

With Travis CI, logging in to make revisions and manage your project versions has never been easier. Just log into our web portal via Assembla to get connected to your Subversion projects.

Have a team or remote workers? They can all access your file repositories from anywhere in the world. That’s the convenience of a cloud-based SVN CI/CD; you don’t have to be in the proximity of a physical server.

Cloud-Based Software Integration

We offer something special. Travis CI is the only cloud-based solution for Subversion builds. Using cloud-based SVN continuous integration, users can store and work on incredibly large files without bogging down their servers.
Travis CI is SVN CI/CD
CI/CD for SVN with Travis CI

More Efficient Code

Optimization is at the core of how our team at Travis CI operates. Our software optimizes coding built with Apache Subversion so that fewer lines of code are needed to achieve the same results.

What our competitors can accomplish in four lines of code, our SVN CI/CD can do in just one line. This efficiency saves space and,and is less confusing for members of your team to read and edit, preventing avoidable mistakes.

Subversion for Enterprise Companies

Many companies need a reliable SVN CI/CD that can handle large files while remaining secure. Larger companies are more susceptible to breaches in security, so choosing a trusted system like Travis CI is critical. There are many ways our tools for Subversion version control can benefit large enterprise businesses. The following are just a few features that stand out.

Handle Large Files with Enterprise 3.x

Using Travis CI as a CI/CD for Subversion (SVN) allows enterprise companies to import their extremely large files without overwhelming the system they upload them to. Workers in industries that require large files, like game developers, software developers, 3D model engineers, semiconductors, video editors, and filmmakers, can utilize this to their advantage. Video files and movies have thousands of frames each minute, and high-definition captures take up even more storage space, slowing down the device they’re being displayed on. That’s not a concern with our SVN continuous integration. Travis CI Enterprise 3.x was designed specifically with enterprise company needs in mind.

Host with Your Own Servers

At Travis CI, we understand that enterprise companies might feel more comfortable self-hosting with their own server(s) that they already have installed. With a personal server, you know exactly who has access to your server and program coding. The convenience of working with us is that we work with enterprise companies and help them host with their own on-prem servers, so there are minimal changes to the way you conduct your business.

Simple to start. Intuitive to extend. Developed upon by hundreds of thousands.

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