HTMX or React: What Should You Choose?

Anurag Kainth
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Selecting the appropriate tools for your project can be difficult. HTMX and React, both share a common goal of enhancing web interactivity, but they are employed in different scenarios due to their distinct approaches and capabilities. The decision between the two distinct approaches to building interactive web experiences is a crucial one that can significantly impact your development process, performance, and overall user experience.

To provide a comprehensive comparison between HTMX and React, we can outline their basic comparative points.

ComplexitySimplifies with minimal JavaScriptRequires more setup and state management
DevelopmentQuick with less codeMore setup, potentially more code
PerformanceLightweight, efficient updatesVirtual DOM can be less efficient
SEO/AccessibilityServer-side rendering, accessible by defaultRequires additional setup for SEO/accessibility
ScalabilityEasy for smaller projectsTools for scalability in larger projects
EcosystemGrowing community, limited ecosystemLarge ecosystem, extensive community support
Real-Time/InteractiveSupports real-time updatesTools for complex interactive features

What is HTMX?

HTMX, short for “Hypertext Markup Language eXtensions,” is a lightweight javascript library that empowers developers to build dynamic and interactive web pages with minimal effort. 

To understand how HTMX works, let’s take a look at an HTML anchor tag:

<a href=”/contact”>Contact Us</a>

  • This anchor tag tells a browser:
    • When a user clicks on this link, issue an HTTP GET request to ‘/contact and load the response content into the browser window.

With that in mind, consider the following bit of HTML:

This tells HTMX:

  • This tells HTMX:
    • When a user clicks on this button hx-trigger tells the htmx to issue an HTTP POST request to ‘/data’ and uses the content from the response to replace the content in an element with the id content-div in the DOM.

HTMX extends HTML’s capabilities by introducing additional html attributes that can trigger AJAX requests and handle dynamic content updates. Let’s take a look at core features that HTMX provides us with:

  1. AJAX-Powered Interactions:
  • hx-get, hx-post, hx-put, hx-patch, hx-delete: These attributes are used to make HTTP requests directly from HTML elements.
  • hx-trigger: Define events (e.g., click, change) that directly trigger AJAX requests.
  • hx-target, hx-swap: Control where and how the server’s response is inserted into the DOM.
  1. Conditional Logic:
  • hx-if, hx-unless: Conditionally show or hide elements based on server-side or client-side conditions.
  • hx-vals: Send additional data with AJAX requests.
  1. Event Handling:
  • hx-on: Attach JavaScript event handlers directly to HTML elements.
  • hx-boost: Automatically enhance links and forms with AJAX behavior.
  • hx-indicator: Display loading indicators during AJAX requests.

To understand how HTMX attributes work, we can take the example of a button element with an hx-trigger=’click’ attribute. It starts with the browser detecting the click event and follows the event through propagation, HTMX initialization, execution of the HTMX event listener, and handling of the event by HTMX.

HTMX: Why You Should Consider It

HTMX challenges the conventional way of relying solely on heavy javascript frameworks for web interactivity, by embracing the simplicity and power of HTML:

  • Performance Bottlenecks: Traditional JavaScript frameworks can be heavy, slowing down websites. HTMX’s lightweight approach and server-side rendering result in faster, more responsive applications.
  • Complexity Overload: HTMX simplifies development by leveraging the familiarity of HTML and minimizing the amount of javascript needed, making it accessible to a wider range of developers.
  • SEO Challenges: Client-side rendered applications can sometimes pose challenges for SEO. HTMX’s server-side rendering ensures that the content is readily accessible to search engine crawlers.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: Developing complex javascript applications can be resource-intensive. HTMX streamlines development, reducing time and costs by minimizing the need for specialized frontend expertise.

What is React

Created by Facebook, React is an open-source javascript library designed to create dynamic, interactive, and high-performance web applications. It leverages a component-based architecture and a virtual DOM for efficient rendering and UI updates.

  1. The Virtual DOM: Imagine the Virtual DOM as a lightweight copy of your web page’s actual structure, known as the Document Object Model (DOM). This copy is stored in memory as a JavaScript object, representing the current state of your UI.
  2. State Changes: When something in your application changes, such as user input, data fetched from an API, or internal logic modifications, React updates the Virtual DOM to reflect this new state.
  3. Diffing Algorithm: React then employs a diffing algorithm to compare the new Virtual DOM with the previous one. This algorithm efficiently identifies the specific changes that need to be made to the real DOM.
  4. Reconciliation: After identifying the differences, React performs a process called reconciliation, where it selectively updates only the parts of the real DOM that have changed, rather than re-rendering the entire page.

Let’s try to understand this by taking a similar example as above:

  • There is a variable data that is a state variable controlling the state of this component.
  • Clicking the Fetch Data button calls a function that makes an HTTP request to the server. It then stores the data from the server in the data state variable, causing a change in the component’s state.
  • The new virtual DOM is then compared with the previous one, and reconciliation occurs, resulting in the re-rendering of the component to display the data on the UI.

React provides a robust foundation for building modern, scalable, and high-performance web applications. Its component-based architecture, efficient rendering mechanisms, and extensive ecosystem make it a popular choice for developers worldwide:

  1. Component-Based Architecture:
  • React’s core principle revolves around breaking down UIs into reusable, self-contained components.
  • Components encapsulate their own logic, structure, and styling, promoting modularity and code reusability.
  1. JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension):
  • JSX is a syntax extension that allows you to write HTML-like code within your javascript which provides a declarative way to describe the structure of the UI.
  1. Unidirectional Data Flow (One-Way Data Binding):
  • React enforces a one-way data flow, meaning data flows in a single direction from parent components to child components.
  • This predictable data flow simplifies debugging and makes it easier to reason about how changes in your application’s state affect the UI.
  1. State Management:
  • React components can manage their own internal state using the useState hook.
  • For more complex applications, React offers various state management solutions like the Context API, Redux, or MobX to manage global application state.
  1. Lifecycle Methods:
  • React components have lifecycle methods that allow you to hook into different stages of a component’s existence (e.g., mounting, updating, unmounting).
  1. Hooks:
  • Hooks are a powerful feature introduced in React 16.8 that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class component.
  • Hooks like useState, useEffect, and useContext simplify state management, side effects, and data sharing between components.

React’s core principle is to re-render components only when their state changes, optimizing performance. The useState hook enables components to manage and update their state, triggering efficient re-renders when necessary.

React: Why You Should Consider It

By introducing a component-based architecture and a declarative approach to building user interfaces, react addresses key challenges and opens up new possibilities for creating scalable and maintainable web applications:

  • Performance Optimization: React’s virtual DOM and efficient update mechanisms deliver a highly responsive experience, especially for dynamic applications with frequent data changes.
  • Component Reusability and Maintainability: The component-based architecture promotes modularity and reusability, making code easier to manage and maintain.
  • Complex UI Development: React’s declarative style and vast library collection simplify the creation of sophisticated, interactive user interfaces, enhancing user experiences.
  • .State Management and Data Flow: React offers robust solutions for managing complex application states and data flow, ensuring consistency and predictability throughout your app.
  • Large-Scale Applications: React’s component-based design and rich ecosystem are ideal for building and maintaining large, scalable applications.

Testing and Debugging in React

Testing and debugging play a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and performance of web applications. In the context of HTMX and React, these practices are especially important due to the dynamic nature of frontend development.

  • Testing
    • HTMX: Testing HTMX applications can be done using traditional frontend testing tools and libraries such as Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine. Since HTMX primarily deals with frontend interactions, you can write tests to simulate user interactions and verify the expected outcomes.
    • React: React provides a built-in testing utility called React Testing Library, which allows us to test React components in isolation. You can write unit tests for components, integration tests for component interactions.
  • Debugging
    • HTMX: Debugging HTMX applications involves inspecting network requests and responses, as well as using browser developer tools to inspect DOM changes. HTMX also provides a debug mode (hx-debug=”true”) that logs debug information to the console, which can be useful for diagnosing issues.
    • React: React’s developer tools, available as a browser extension, are invaluable for debugging React applications. You can inspect component hierarchies, view component state and props, and even time-travel to inspect previous states.

HTMX vs Reactjs

Let’s try to understand from a developer’s perspective how HTMX and React cater to different scenarios. By examining their unique strengths and use cases, we can see where each tool excels.

  1. Application Complexity:
    • HTMX: Requires less setup and boilerplate code, leading to faster implementation for smaller projects. It’s easily integrated into existing server-rendered applications.
    • React: Demands more upfront setup and a learning curve, especially when integrating libraries for state management or routing. However, its structure pays off for larger, maintainable projects.
  2. Development Time and Resources:
    • HTMX: Requires less setup and boilerplate code, making it faster to implement for smaller, simpler projects. It can be added incrementally to existing server-rendered applications.
    • React: Might require more initial setup and learning curve, especially if you need to integrate additional libraries for state management (like Redux) or routing (like React Router). However, it pays off for larger projects by providing a structured and maintainable codebase.
  3. Performance:
    • HTMX: Excels in scenarios where server-side rendering is predominant and interactivity is minimal.
      • Server-Rendered Applications: It can be more performant for applications that are primarily server-rendered with occasional interactivity.
      • Lazy Loading: It supports lazy loading, allowing you to load content only when it’s needed.
      • Caching: It supports caching of responses, which can improve performance for repeated requests to the same resource by reducing server load and network latency.
    • React: Can be more performant for highly interactive applications due to its virtual DOM, which efficiently updates the UI. However, the initial load might be heavier due to JavaScript bundle sizes.
      • Virtual DOM: React’s virtual DOM allows it to efficiently update the UI by only re-rendering components that have changed.
      • Code Splitting: It allows you to split your code into smaller bundles that can be loaded on demand.
      • Optimized Reconciliation: React uses a diffing algorithm to minimize DOM updates, ensuring that only necessary changes are applied to the actual DOM.
  4. SEO and Accessibility:
    • HTMX: Works well with server-rendered content, ensuring good SEO and accessibility out of the box. Progressive enhancement is straightforward, making it easy to support users with disabilities.
    • React: Requires careful consideration to ensure SEO and accessibility. Server-side rendering (SSR) with frameworks like Next.js can address SEO concerns, but it adds complexity.
  5. Scalability and Maintainability:
    • HTMX: Easier to maintain for smaller projects with less client-side logic. Adding or changing interactivity involves minimal changes to the existing codebase.
    • React: More suitable for large-scale applications with complex UIs. Its component-based architecture promotes reusability and separation of concerns, making it easier to scale and maintain.
  6. Ecosystem and Community:
    • HTMX: Newer and has a smaller ecosystem, but it integrates well with existing server-side frameworks and libraries. It’s gaining traction for its simplicity and power.
    • React: Has a large and mature ecosystem with a vast array of tools, libraries, and community support. This makes it easier to find solutions, libraries, and best practices for almost any problem.

Let’s compare HTMX and React by building two practical applications: a dynamic commenting system and a product filtering system. This hands-on approach will reveal their strengths, weaknesses, and best use cases, helping you choose the right tool for your project.

Dynamic Commenting System

Begin by cloning the dynamic-commenting-system repository onto your local machine using the following command:

Navigate to the backend directory within the cloned repository:

Install the required Node.js packages:

Run this command within the backend directory:

This will start the backend server that will be used by both the HTMX and React applications.

Starting HTMX applications:

Navigate to the root directory within the cloned repository and run:

Now simply copy the file path of your HTML file and paste it into your browser’s address bar. This will initiate the frontend of the application built in HTMX.

Starting React applications:

Navigate to the root directory within the cloned repository and run:

In the react-app directory run this command:

This will install all the dependencies required by the react application.

To launch the application, execute the command:

This will start the development server http://localhost:3000/, where you’ll see the frontend built in Reactjs.

Now, let’s explore how both HTMX and React handle the functionality of our commenting system. We’ll look at the implementation details to see how their approaches differ.

HTMX: To implement the add comment functionality we simply created a form like this:

This form uses the 

  • hx-get: Specifies the URL to send the form data to upon submission.
  • hx-target: Identifies the HTML element where the updated content will be placed.
  • hx-boost: Enhances the form to use AJAX, preventing full page reloads.
  • hx-trigger: Defines the event that triggers the AJAX request (in this case, form submission).

React: To implement the same functionality in React we have a code like this:

  • Stores the received comment list in the comments state variable.
  • Fetches initial comments using fetchComments on component load.
  • Handles form submission via handleSubmit, sending the new comment and updating the comment list.
  • Then dynamically render the HTML comment list from the server.

 HTMX excels here due to:

  • Minimal JavaScript: Less client-side code to write and maintain.
  • Simplified Setup: Easier integration with server-rendered applications.
  • Faster Updates: Partial page updates for a smoother user experience.
  • Server-Side Control: Easier to manage and secure comment data.

Product Filtering System

Begin by cloning the product-filtering-system repository onto your local machine using the following command:

Navigate to the backend directory within the cloned repository:

Install the required Node.js packages:

Run this command within the backend directory:

This will start the backend server that will be used by both the HTMX and React applications.

Starting HTMX applications:

Navigate to the root directory within the cloned repository and run:

Now simply copy the file path of your HTML file and paste it into your browser’s address bar. This will initiate the frontend of the application built in HTMX.

Starting React applications:

Navigate to the root directory within the cloned repository and run:

In the react-app directory run this command:

This will install all the dependencies required by the react application.

To launch the application, execute the command:

This will start the development server http://localhost:3000/, where you’ll see the frontend built in Reactjs.

Now, let’s explore how both HTMX and React handle the functionalities of sorting and filtering of products. We’ll look at the implementation details to see how their approaches differ.

HTMX: To implement the filter by category functionality we simply created a <select>like this:

This uses the 

  • hx-get: Fetches updated content from the specified URL.
  • hx-target: Determines where to insert the new content.
  • hx-boost: Enables AJAX for smoother updates.
  • hx-trigger: Specifies when to send the request (on change).
  • hx-include: Includes additional elements’ values in the request.

React: To implement the same functionality in React we have a code like this:

  • Stores the initial product list and filtered/sorted results in separate states.
  • Fetches all products once on initial load.
  • Filters and sorts the products in memory based on user selections.
  • Re-renders the product list whenever filters or sorting options change.
  • Provides dropdowns for category filtering and price sorting.

 React excels here due to:

  • Client-Side Efficiency: React performs filtering and sorting directly in the browser, eliminating the need for constant server requests, especially crucial with high user traffic.
  • Instant Feedback: Users experience immediate updates as they interact with filters and sorting options, enhancing the feeling of responsiveness.
  • Reduced Server Load: Offloading filtering and sorting to the client-side significantly reduces the workload on your server, improving overall application performance and scalability.
  • Offline Capabilities: React’s client-side approach can even allow basic filtering and sorting functionality to work offline if the product data is cached.

When Should You Use HTMX

HTMX excels at adding dynamic features to existing websites or building projects that prioritize performance and SEO. Its lightweight nature simplifies development and ensures fast page loads.

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Enhancing Websites:
    • AJAX-based form submissions and validations
    • Smooth content updates without page reloads
  • Simple Web Apps:
    • Dashboards and admin panels
    • Dynamic comment sections
  • Prototyping:
    • Quickly creating interactive mockups
  • Integrating with Server-Side Frameworks:
    • Seamlessly works with Django, Rails, Flask, and more.

Let’s take a closer look at the strengths and limitations of HTMX to help you decide if it’s the right tool for your next web project:

Simplicity: Easy to learn, minimal JavaScript required.Limited Ecosystem: Fewer specialized libraries and tools.
Lightweight: Small library size, fast page loads.Complex Interactions: Challenging for complex UI logic.
Performance: Efficient updates, snappy user experience.Not for SPAs: Not ideal for large single-page applications.
SEO-Friendly: Server-rendered content, easily indexable.Smaller Community: Less extensive support and resources.

When Should You Use React

React is the preferred solution for building interactive, complex web applications. Its component-based structure excels at handling sophisticated UI elements and large-scale projects. React also simplifies creating single-page applications and data-driven interfaces, proving its versatility in modern web development.

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Complex, Interactive UIs:
    • Dynamic social media feeds with real-time updates and interactive features.
    • Data visualizations with customizable charts, graphs, and filters.
  • Single-Page Applications (SPAs):
    • Collaborative project management platforms with rich features.
    • Engaging online learning platforms with interactive course content.
  • Real-Time Applications:
    • Collaborative editing tools for real-time document and whiteboard collaboration.
    • Live sports scoreboards with synchronized data.
  • Integrating with External Systems:
    • Building custom frontends for headless CMS platforms.
    • Fetching and displaying data from diverse APIs.
Component Reusability: Modular UIs with reusable components.Steeper Learning Curve: Requires learning JSX and concepts.
Virtual DOM: Efficient updates for a smooth user experience.JSX: Verbose syntax compared to plain HTML.
Large Ecosystem: Wide range of libraries and tools.Larger Bundle Size: Can impact initial load times.
Strong Community: Extensive support and resourcesOver-Engineering Risk: Flexibility can lead to unnecessary complexity.


In this exploration of HTMX vs. React, we’ve delved into the inner workings of both libraries, compared their features and use cases, and even built two applications showcasing the strengths of each libraries. We’ve seen how HTMX’s simplicity and server-side rendering prowess shines in enhancing existing pages and building lightweight applications. Conversely, React’s component-based architecture and extensive ecosystem make it the go-to choice for complex, interactive UIs and large-scale projects. Ultimately, the best tool for your web development journey depends on your specific needs and priorities, but with this comprehensive comparison, you’re well-equipped to make an informed decision.

Written By
Anurag Travis CI Freelance Writer
Anurag Kainth
Anurag Kainth is a skilled software developer at Infrasity, bringing a wealth of experience in Next.js, React, Node.js, and Flutter development. He excels in crafting innovative solutions and driving technical excellence. He thrives on the challenge of continuous learning and is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology, always aiming to expand his expertise and contribute to cutting-edge projects.
Reviewed By
Michael Mendy of Travis CI
Michael Mendy
Michael Mendy, one of the most prominent members of the CI/CD community, is a software engineer with Travis CI. He regularly speaks before groups talking about CI/CD, he’s spoken at IBM, droidcon, LeadDev, Arm DevSummit and others.
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